
RapidlyexchangedataandrunapplicationswithAPIsforhealthdatastandardslikeFastHealthcareInteroperabilityResources(FHIR).,LearnhowtouseAzureHealthDataServicestocollect,transform,andanalyzehealthdatathatmeetsprivacyandcompliancerequirementsforthehealthcare ...,2023年10月31日—APIreferencedocumentationfortheoperationsavailableintheAzureResourcehealthRESTAPI,aRESTfulwebserviceformanagingAzure ...,Azur...

Azure Health Data Services

Rapidly exchange data and run applications with APIs for health data standards like Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR).

Azure Health Data Services documentation

Learn how to use Azure Health Data Services to collect, transform, and analyze health data that meets privacy and compliance requirements for the healthcare ...

Azure Resource health REST API

2023年10月31日 — API reference documentation for the operations available in the Azure Resource health REST API, a RESTful web service for managing Azure ...

Azure 健康資料服務

Azure API for FHIR 的演進. Azure 健康資料服務是 ... 若沒有Sensoria Health 用於臨床遠端監視軟體的Azure API ... 我們很高興使用Microsoft 的Medical Imaging Server ...


This repo contains samples for Healthcare APIs, including FHIR, DICOM, IoT Connector and data related services. The workspace is a top level logical ...

The Evolution Of Azure API For FHIR And The Emergence ...

2023年12月14日 — Building on the success and foundation of Azure API for FHIR, Microsoft introduced Azure Health Data Services – a pioneering platform-as-a- ...

What is Azure Health Data Services?

2023年10月17日 — Azure Health Data Services is a set of managed API services based on open standards and frameworks that enable workflows to improve healthcare ...

什麼是Azure Health Data Services 中的FHIR 服務?

2023年10月18日 — 在FHIR 服務中布建的FHIR API 可讓任何符合FHIR 規範的系統安全地連線及與FHIR 資料互動。 身為PaaS 供應專案,Microsoft 負責FHIR 服務的作業、維護、 ...

使用Microsoft Health API 撰寫Web 應用程式

2015年11月18日 — 在此影片中,您將瞭解Microsoft Health API、如何向使用者要求許可權以取得其數據的存取權,以及如何建立利用Microsoft Health Cloud 中所儲存數據的簡單 ...